While these questions appear to be the same, both are important to answer if you’re considering LASIK vision correction. In this blog post, we explain what we mean by these...
“Am I too old to have LASIK?” is a good question as there are age-related considerations we would like to share with you. However, there is no age where your...
The New Year always brings about New Year resolutions. Why not make the resolution to see clearer in 2018? Here are 5 reasons you or someone you know should be...
Of all the gifts you could give a loved one (or yourself!) this holiday season, what better gift could you give than visual freedom? If you or a loved one...
Your FSA Account Could Help You Save Money On LASIK
November 2, 2017
Save up to 30 percent on your 20/20 LASIK procedure! It is Healthcare Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Planning Time... LASIK is a qualified FSA expense, so if you would like...
Most patients at 20/20 Institute would like to have LASIK as soon as they can, and afterwards wish they would have done it sooner. While these are our experiences with...
Most patients tell us that LASIK “has been on their mind” for quite a while before coming to see us. And for good reason, when a person has worn glasses...
Simply stated: no. The majority of patients achieve better than 20/20 vision when they come to us for LASIK. When any patient visits 20/20 Institute for LASIK and is a...